PODCAST: The Mental Makeup of a Chief of Staff


ON This episode…

How does it feel to be the Chief of Staff of an organization? Does it ever feel a little…lonely? The Chief of Staff position is so complex and jam-packed with responsibilities that sometimes the job description itself seems, well, vague. In this episode, I speak with Ted Riter, an incredible coach who has worked with executives around the globe. Recently, he published an article depicting some of the struggles that come with being the Chief of Staff of an organization, including understanding the work itself, what obstacles everyone has to uniquely overcome, and what mental makeup the Chief of Staff must have to survive on the job. Ted Riter shares his insights into the life of the Chief of Staff, how to avoid burnout, and why trust is so essential to the success of someone in this position. So, get ready to learn about Ted Riter’s take on the mental makeup of a successful Chief of Staff, and how to get in that space yourself.

Some Questions I Ask:

  • How did you start digging into the current challenges Chiefs of Staff face? (1:46)
  • Why is the Chief of Staff role so lonely? (3:25)
  • What advice do you have for someone struggling in the social limbo of the Chief of Staff position? (7:45)
  • How does someone build trust once they step into the Chief of Staff role? (10:46)
  • What do you say to those that feel anxiety around the uncertainty of their own future? (23:57)

In This Episode, You Will Learn:

  • Why Chiefs of Staff so often long to be understood in their job. (4:17)
  • What crucial qualities are required to be a successful Chief of Staff. (7:51)
  • How a curious mind results in earning authority. (10:54)
  • How to hold a grounded place during a time of chaos. (12:54)
  • How to build trust with people who expect you to have all the answers. (20:54)

Ted Riter — Rebuilding Trust, Author of “It’s Lonely Near the Top: Challenges for Chiefs of Staff”

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It all starts with a conversation.
