PODCAST: Finding Where You Belong


ON This episode…

What do you want to be when you grow up? That’s supposed to be a question asked by adults to children, but so many of us find ourselves asking that every day. Sometimes the question goes a little deeper than just a job. When you grow up, the “What do you want to be” question turns into, “Where do you belong?” The truth is, you don’t just find this place where you belong in the world; you have to create that space for yourself. For Megan Grocutt, she took a winding road through a few different roles, leading to the place she was meant to be. From an aspiring actress to Chief of Staff, Megan finally had that “coming home” feeling.

Some Questions I Ask:

  • How did you start working for Tracy Anderson? (2:17)
  • Do you look back at your time working for Tracy Anderson and see that role as a Chief of Staff role? (24:26)
  • How is the Chief of Staff role similar to acting? (31:36)
  • Where are you on the path to self-discovery? (33:54)

In This Episode, You Will Learn:

  • What it looks like to pursue your passion. (8:30)
  • How the line between personal and professional life got blurred for Megan. (10:59)
  • How the need for instant gratification affects your outlook on life.  (13:22)
  • How Megan built up her confidence to seek the role that was right for her. (16:30)
  • What it was like for Megan to finally find her “home” as Chief of Staff. (26:41)
  • How Megan approaches the role of communication as Chief of Staff. (31:52)

Megan Grocutt — Director of VIP Relations at Tracy Anderson Method

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It all starts with a conversation.
